8 Holistic Health Tips for Back to School

8 Holistic Health Tips for Back to School

It’s not about perfection, it’s about equipping yourself with helpful tools so you (and your child) don’t find yourself stressed out during this back to school season. You’ll find 8 tips below that I believe are foundational. Each tip includes holistic tools such as homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, or Bach flowers. I know life is busy, which is why I did my best to simplify each tip so you can implement it into your lifestyle right. If you have questions, feel fee to shoot me a message or schedule a free consultation (in person or online) for you or your kiddo. (missydewitt.com/schedule) .

Ready? Let's get this show on the road - 8 tips are coming YOUR way!

((Statements made on this page are not approved by the FDA. I am a board certified Health Coach. I am not a doctor. Content & tips are based upon my own personal opinion, education, and experience.)


Let’s start with a pretty basic foundation of health: sleep. We all need it! Chances are your kiddos haven’t had “sleep routine” this summer, which is common. Getting into the “back to school” bedtime can be rough. As parents, we all want our kiddos to wake up in a GOOD mood ready for school. Here are a few tips to help you reduce bedtime crankies and increase good morning smiles.


+ Start a week before school begins to establish a sleep schedule. This way you aren’t trying to do it all at once.

+ Reduce screen time 1-2 hours before bedtime. Studies show that blue light suppresses the body’s releases of melatonin, a hormone that makes us feel drowsy. Blue light can come from smartphones, tablets, computers, and tv’s. Try a routine of “reading” a hour before bed instead of screen time. Set a timer for 1 hour before bed to remind yourself to quit using devices


+ Avoid stimulant inducing foods before bed, or even in afternoon depending on your child’s sensitivity: pop, tea, chocolate, candy.

+ The amount of sleep differs from person to person, but here’s a general rule of thumb: 10 to 12 hours of sleep from kindergarten to teenage years, and 8 to 10 hours in the teenage years. See if your kids are getting the right amount of sleep—by answering the questions in this article: http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/sleep.htm


+ Lavender, an essential oil, can be calming before sleep. Aromatherapy is widely used and a useful tool for bedtime. Lavender is one of the most popular “bedtime” oils. Diffuse, apply on big toe (accupressure point for the “brain”, or rub on your child’s pillow or stuffed animal. If your kiddos seem to be extremely restless, try essential oils Rutavala or Peace & Calming. Buy Essential Oils here (click link then search “Lavender”): https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048

+ It's also okay to use the supplement melatonin occasionally to reset your sleep-and-wake cycle. In our home we use Unwind. This supplement has a natural source of melatonin AND brain food to help with clarity & focus the next day in the classroom. Buy Unwind here (click link then search “Unwind”): https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048

+ Homeopathy Tablets: Coffea cruda. This remedy relieves sleeplessness - especially for those with worries or overactive thoughts. Buy it here: https://www.boironusa.com/product/coffea-cruda/



Studies have found that spending time in nature improves mood, lowers stress hormones and reduces blood pressure. Science shows that 30 mins outdoors also helps us feel MORE rested in the evening! And get this- a walk in the woods can boost the immune system!! How? Plants emit chemicals called phytocides that protect against insects and harmful microbes. When you breathe in phytocides, it increases the level of the immune system's natural killer cells.

You don't have to go to the wilderness. Walking in a park or even sitting in your back yard can also help. Plus, spending time outside in sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythm (your body's 24-hour internal clock). If your kiddos is nervous about starting school or has started school and seems be a bit stressed, nature may be the answer!

Let’s talk about some of “nature’s” tools for back to school jitters & overall health:


CHILDREN: KidsPower Essential Oil. Helps balance the mind & big emotions to get through anything that may feel tough.

ADULTS: Valor - it’s like putting on a shield of patience and calm. Balances the mind with "brave" feelings.

PARENTS & KIDS: Thieves Essential Oil (vitality) - in our home we use nightly to help boost our immune system. We simply apply to the bottom of our feet and diffuse in our diffusers.

Buy any of these essential oils at this link by typing in its name into the search tool. https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048

Bach Flower Essences

if you are new to Bach Flowers, they are similar to essential oils but distilled differently. Bach Flowers are a liquid remedy taken orally by dripping into the mouth or putting a few drops in your water bottle. They are mostly tasteless & specifically used to balance emotions. As a certified health coach, I have Bach Flower remedies available in my office.

Aspen: Ease the fears and worries. Fears and anxiety when you are unsure of what could happen, those niggling anxious feelings that seem to pop up from time to time. With Aspen, apprehension is replaced by a desire for a new adventure and new experiences, disregarding any difficulties that may arise with reassurance.

Mimulus: assists with insecurity, providing one with a calm sense of courage to face difficult situations with confidence.

Honeysuckle: homesickness.

Walnut: for the change into a new phase in life.

Pulsatilla: anxious and needs reassurance and support, may be more cuddly than usual.

Calcarea carbonica: anxiety because of being taken out of a safe routine.


Maybe it's "after school" that your worried about. Your children may be tired from a day at school or ready to chat. Remember to be patient with them and use words (and body language) that show you are there when they are ready to tell you about their day.

Nurturing your relationship with your child is also good for your health. Three of the best ways to do this are to show gratitude, express your love and be the first to apologize. So don't neglect to say "thank you" and "I love you" and when necessary, "I'm sorry."

Top 5 AFTER SCHOOL Questions for Parents to Ask

Parents can start by asking their kids some simple questions.


1. What was the most interesting (or exciting) part of your day?

2. What was the most frustrating (or boring) part of your day?

3. Is there anything you’re especially looking forward to this week?

4. Is there anything you’re feeling worried about this week?

5. Who are you playing with at recess? OR: Who do you like to each lunch with?

General questions are apt to be met with general answers (We’ve all heard the dreaded “Fine.”) Being specific is a good way to get the conversation started, and keep it going. For example:

“How was Geometry today? I know you were feeling a little worried about the quiz” or “I noticed you haven’t talked about Julia in a while, is everything OK?”

Remember, you’re not interviewing your child. Some children may have a lot to say one day, and nothing the next, and that’s OK. The goal is to keep the lines of communication open by creating openings for your child to share her feelings, worries, and triumphs.

Talking with to your child is important, but sometimes actions, or inactions, speak louder than words. Some kids may swear they’re fine when they’re actually struggling, others may not have the words to explain what’s troubling them, or not realize it’s a problem at all. Parents also should keep an eye out for signs that kids might be.



Agrimony: encourages the positive potential to open up, as well as communicate your real feelings. (Remedy available at my office.)


Present Time: aids in keeping your mind and emotions in the present.

Joy: Raises the body's vibration in a positive way. Heightens positive emotions.

Purchase essential oils by clicking this link then typing in its name into the "search" bar: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048


DID YOU KNOW the American Lung Association reports that "many cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems, including cancer. Other ingredients in regular household cleaners are known to also disrupt hormones and be linked to ADD!! Is there a cleaner out there that ACTUALLY kills germs without slowly killing the human body?? YEP. Keep reading.

Whether you’re a teacher or student, we live in a world where hand sanitizer is a must. We use Thieves Hand Sanitizer because of the 99.9% kill rate AND alcohol is omitted from the ingredient list, meaning it’s kind to your skin. Plus, the artificial fragrance in most hand sanitizers is a known carcinogen meaning it causes cancer.

Mask Aromatherapy still wearing a mask at school? Use essential oils like Geneyus or Peppermint. Studies show an increase of oxygen to the brain and mental alertness when inhaled.

Thieves Wipes! Buy them already made or make your own: https://mostlovelythings.com/diy-thieves-wipes-friday.../

The American Lung Association reports that many cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems, including cancer..png

Use the wipes or diluted thieves household cleaner to wipe down everything from desks to door knobs. Both are free of harsh chemicals and cancer causing ingredients. Check out this video of Thieves Household Cleaner cleaning a kitchen counter 100% from raw chicken.

(Purchase all harsh chemical free Thieves cleaning products by clicking this link and searching its name: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048)


Ugh - you've been waiting for this, right? The dreaded talk of making sure your kids have balanced meals. Listen, balanced meals don't have to be immaculate. It can be SIMPLE.

We tend to overlook the connection of learning, focus, and memory from the health of the rest of the body. The foods we eat, the toxins we’re exposed to, and the way we maintain digestive health all play a role in our ability to learn, think, and grow. We can help our children become healthier by making sure they have the right nutritional, emotional, and physical support.

Nutritional breakfast (and snacks)

A great way to start the day is having a jam packed breakfast with as much nutrition as possible. Superfoods are a great way to add nutrient-dense foods into an easy to digest smoothie. They are also a quick on-the-go breakfast in case you or they are running behind.

It’s also easy to hide things like avocado, kale, bee pollen, hemp seeds, aloe vera, chia seeds, nuts or other high impact foods in smoothies, combined with delicious fruits like bananas, berries, pineapple and mangoes - in case your child is a picky eater.

Add snacks to their lunches that are fresh: fruit, veggies, baked chips, guacamole & veggies or anything you can find on the perimeter of the grocery store. You'll find most of the fresh ingredient items there.

WATER: Be sure your kiddo leaves with plenty of water or a bottle to refill. Dehydration can negatively impact cognitive abilities

Check with your school (nurse) first. Our school allows our kiddos to have their own 1st aid kit. Other schools ask for each child to leave it with the nurse.

Grab a cute little pouch and pack the following:

Calendula cream is like a natural Polysporin (


Children thrive in structured environments. Much like adults like to know what to expect so they can plan for their day, kids experience similar feelings. Familiar routines and schedules provide kids with security and safety they need to focus on higher-level tasks like learning and cognitive skills. Sticking to a similar routine each day can help boost productivity and focus.

Now, I know life happens - and that is expected! So let's develop the mindset of a flexible routine! You can begin with these simple steps:

Lay out your clothes for tomorrow.

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Gather everything that you'll need to walk out the door in the morning.

Set timer to remind yourself to stop using devices 1-2 hours before bedtime (no blue light before bed)

Get up 15 minutes before the rest of the family.

Have the kids get dressed immediately upon waking up. Eventually they will begin doing this on their own.

During breakfast, announce the time that everyone has to be in the car.

Do not let a routine imprisson you, instead - look at a flexible routine as something that frees us up to have fun and keep chaos away from us and our children. Take baby steps, let your timer help!

Need help with motivation?


Motivation Essential Oil: Apply over heart first thing in the morning or diffuse.

Lemon Essentail Oil: This is such an energizing essential oil. Great to diffuse in the A.M while everyone is getting ready for their day.

Thyromin: Mama's, your thyroid is an important gland that helps you feel alert, energized, and human. This supplement is a must for me and my metabolism. It makes me a nicer human being.

Joy: This essential oil helps raise the body's vibration helping the mind settle into a positive state.

Clarity: This essential oil helps bring clarity to the mind. When busy strikes, stay clear headed.

Purchase any of the above items here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048


(Available at my office)

Hornbeam: This flower remedy increases the positive potential to be certain in your ability, and face the day ahead. Shake off that “Monday morning feeling,” cope with the demanding day ahead and face whatever obstacles are on your schedule, without hesitation.


Backpack first aid kit.png

Check with your school (nurse) first. Our school allows our kiddos to have their own 1st aid kit. Other schools ask for each child to leave it with the nurse.

Grab a cute little pouch and pack the following:

Calendula cream is like a natural Polysporin (https://www.boironusa.com/product/calendula-cream/)

Witch Hazel mixed with water is a great astringent (amazon.com)

Arnica is good for all sorts of pain, strains and bumps (health food store for cream or for pellets- https://www.boironusa.com/product/arnica-montana/)

Owie Essential Oil or Lavender Essential Oil for bumps, ouchies

Tummygize Essential Oil for upset bellies

Snifflease Essential Oil if the sneezes or sniffles show up

KidPower Essential Oil for big emotions

Genyus Essential Oil for all day focus

Buy any of the mentioned essential oils here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048

Let's chat one on one if you prefer a mini 1st aid kit customized to your child's needs. I can help you pull together a great kit to send off with your kiddo to school.

TIP #8: Environmental factors you CAN control

Lifestyle behaviors and environmental factors account for around 70-90% of cancer cases, according to new research published in the journal Nature. WHAT?!

Yep, this means that by changing your lifestyle and/or environment you can improve your health!!! This also means that sometimes the environment & lifestyle habits play a negative role on genetics, and that your genetics itself is not flawed! You might be surprised to see the many diseases listed at the link below connected to environmental toxins.


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WHY am I mentioning this info for Back to School?? Because we all want to FEEL GOOD. When we FEEL good we stress less. When we stress more we make not so good lifestyle choices. When we don't feel good, our attitude / mood suffers. Summing it up - this info is simply great to know. When you know better, you can do better. When you can do better, you FEEL better.

Try and reduce exposure to pesticides. It’s great to have the Environmental Working Group's (EGW) "dirty dozen" and the "clean fifteen" lists handy when you’re at the farmers market or the grocery store, either as an app or print and carry the lists to take them with you. Organic produce and packaged foods are becoming more and more common, and less and less expensive. Spending a little bit more on an organic banana is helping your child’s health overall.

Many scientific studies are looking at the human and environmental side effects of pesticides on health, and have been linked to chronic impacts such as cancer, asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, other cognitive effects, as well as several others.

Inside the home, things like artificial fragrance have similar effects. Switch out your wall plug ins, candles, or any artificial fragrant spray with a diffuser and some essential oils like Citrus Fresh, Thieves, or Orange. The cool thing about citrus essential oils like Lemon or Citrus Fresh (vitality) is that by using as a dietary supplement it can be supportive to cleansing the body of toxins!! WOOT WOOT! This should make your liver (the organ that cleans out toxins) very VERY happy!

Another idea to remove artificial fragrance from your home enviroment: Make your own DIY air freshener spray. Buy spray bottles on amazon.com. Here's a few to get you started.

1. Citrus Mint Air Freshener Spray

You can’t beat the combination of citrus and mint to give your home a crisp, invigorating feel.

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons vodka, rubbing alcohol, or real vanilla extract

10 drops wild orange essential oil

8 drops peppermint essential oil


2. Sweet Lavender Air Freshener Spray

This gentle, calming spray is perfect for spritzing in the bedrooms before you tuck your kids in for the night.

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons real vanilla extract

10 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops chamomile essential oil


3. Summer Citrus Air Freshener Spray

Light and airy, I love spraying this blend during spring cleaning.

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons vodka, rubbing alcohol, or real vanilla extract

5 drops wild orange essential oil

5 drops lemon essential oil

5 drops lime essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential oil


4. Deodorizing Air Freshener Spray

If you have indoor pets, you’ll appreciate the air-cleansing properties of this simple spray!

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons vodka, rubbing alcohol, or real vanilla extract

4 drops tea tree essential oil

8 drops lemon essential oil

6 drops eucalyptus essential oil


The choice is yours - but now you know how your environment matters when it comes to your overall health.

(Buy any of the products mentioned above by using this link: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/1496048)

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LASTLY: Don’t feel like you have to do ALL the things right now. Start with sleep - which is super important. Next, try to tackle nutrition. Accomplishing these 8 goals, little by little, and forming healthy habits will set you AND your kiddo up for BIG results. Whatever the school year may bring, I’m here for you, mama!

Questions? PM me or schedule a free consult. Cheers! Together we CAN make back to school easier by supporting the WHOLE body with holistic tools!

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