All tagged young living

8 Holistic Health Tips for Back to School

It’s not about perfection, it’s about equipping yourself with helpful tools so you (and your child) don’t find yourself stressed out during this back to school season. You’ll find 8 tips on this blog post that I believe are foundational. Each tip includes holistic tools such as homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, or Bach flowers that you can implement right away.

Essential Oil Facts!

There are so many reasons WHY essential oils boost our health physically and emotionally, but this list of ten fast facts kinda help shape our minds around the POTENTIAL we have at our fingers-tips. This is GOOD NEWS for our wellbeing, friends! Check out these fast facts..which one do you think is super cool?

Oh Baby!

When my 9 year old was just a few weeks old, she developed dry painful patches of skin on her legs, back and arms. I didn’t know what to do or why there were there. The doctor gave us a steroid cream but the spots kept coming back! I decided to take the matter into my own hands and with my research I found the culprit.

It’s in the Bible...

What is mind blowing to me is, plants and their oils were not only historically used for medicine, trade and barter but also as a means destroy the health of a kingdom. Destroy the groves of cypress or frankinsence and the community’s form of employment, trade and medicine is gone. Groves of plants and trees could bring in so much health and wealth to a city.  People like Cleopatra, Queen of Sheba, King Solomon, King Herod and many more knew the financial and health benefits of groves of trees/plants and oils.