The Emotion Code
Your entire body is intelligent, not just your brain.
For every emotion we feel and experience, a signal is sent into our body. Even if we aren’t sure what we are feeling, the body is working at a subconscious level storing emotional memory. Where does this emotion coding take place? In the body. In fact, each cell in our body can store up to 1 gigabyte full of information - and we have trillions of cells! This information is known to link back 7 generations. What does this mean for you and your health?
We salivate when thinking of a sour juicy lemon juice. Our arm hairs stand up with goosebumps when thinking about nails screeching down a chalk board. Our body responds to our thoughts AND emotions. There is no lemon, there is no chalk board. This example should give you a peek inside how emotional energy (even from our own thoughts) can interact with our mind, body, and spirit.
EEG & EKGs measure the frequency of an organ in our body. Is it possible to measure a vibrational imbalance within the body cause by a negative emotion/thought pattern? Yes. Even if the negative emotion was experienced years ago? Yes. Even if we aren’t sure what is bothering us? Yep. Here’s how…by using a protocol like the Emotion Code. Through acupressure points we can test the body’s reflex through muscle testing. Subconsciously the body knows what has been buried, not processed, and what’s creating a negative vibration throughout the body. Why wouldn’t our body know? It breathes, digests, and basically keeps us alive daily all at a subconscious level.
“Love, hate, fear, anger, and gratitude are just a few emotions that uniquely and powerfully impact life as much as anything else on the planet. That’s why neuroscientists, physiologists, and physiologist have spent the last few decades intensely researching and demonstrating the profound effects that emotion has son how we think, behaving, on our personal health, wellness, energy levels, and overall vitality.” Imagine how your own thoughts affect you. Everyone has internal conversations at times. What do you say to yourself? Many people criticize themselves more than they praise themselves - the negative self talk could be hurting you more than you realize.
By using this process to uproot my own buried emotions, I became completely fascinated with the process of uprooting, processing, and releasing negative emotions as a from of holistic “health” care. I believe God created us as emotional beings. As confusing and debilitating as our emotions and thoughts can be, He understands. His power is endless, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, chains can be broken and emotional/spiritual burdens can be completely uprooted and released, leaving the body in a healthy balanced state.
Emotion code sessions are gentle, faith/prayer based mind/body protocol that is simple & precise with the clear intent of partnering with God to uproot trapped emotions. It is an incredibly freeing experience and can be preformed in person or online.
Children, men, women, pets - yes, all can benefit from Emotion Code sessions. I have a lot to learn, but I am extremely thankful for the freedom I have experienced through releasing trapped emotions. So humbling.
Maybe there’s something hindering your growth, or an emotion blocking you from losing weight or reaching a goal - an Emotion Code session could be very beneficial for you! If you’d like to schedule an Emotion Code session, click here.
Remember, your body is smart. It’s intelligent. If you’re feeling a symptom of some sort - that’s your check engine light. Holistic assessments, like the Emotion Code, allow a peek into what’s causing that light on your dashboard. Only you can make the decision to take care of you. His desire is for you to be whole again, and one day we will be, but for now take advantage of the tools to create a healthy balanced mind, body, and spirit.