PRO TIP: Listen to Your Body!
We all have that one health issue we don’t know how to support, am I right? We ignore it OR we buy healthy things to support it but forget about using the healthy things! ha! Being your own Health Detective can be trying!!! BUT….
Having a regular routine with your supplements and oils is important. I know, I know… It’s common to forget to take your supplement or put on that oil you bought two months ago (yep, that’s me!). PRO TIP: put your oils and supplements where it makes sense. If they are out of sight they are out out mind. For instance, I have specific supplements and oils bedside and I take those before I go to sleep. My morning oils are in the bathroom, and my supplements are in the fridge so as I prep breakfast I see and remember my supplements.
Another PRO TIP: Listen to your body. Be your own health detective. When you feel like something is off, chances are you’re right. Grab your resource books, reach out to your upline or Health Coach (me!) and ask questions. Beginning of March I felt as if there was something off. By mid March my thyroid felt inflamed. Beginning of April I made an doctors appointment for blood-work which landed me in the ultrasound room to find two nodules on each thyroid lobe. On the 19th of May I had a biopsy and now I wait for the results (June 1). During the waiting I have found SO MUCH PEACE, if you want to read about it visit my “personal reflections”. In the mean time, I have switched up my supplement routine to support my body. I am finding MANY women (and recently men) are dealing with thyroid inflammation, too. I believe the increase is a connection to the C virus, and some studies suggest it, although I cannot prove it. My new routine has decreased inflammation, brought my energy back, took away my headaches, night sweats, shakes, chest pain, and low grade fevers. I also believe that this healing has been VERY influenced by prayers. God is faithful, and after all, he is the one who created the plants that promote healing in the body! Remember, plants were created first - which fascinates the mind when considering our cells connect with and know EXACTY what to do with essential oil molecules. I believe God designed our bodies to receive healing from his creation.
I used my Essential Oil Desk Reference, Feelings Buried Alive book and app, contacted a few friends who specialize in emotional release. I also reached out to a Health Coach/Naturopathic friend, an ENT, and rallied up prayer warrior friends/church community.
My goal with my diet was to reduce inflammation and increase immunity. To achieve this, I gave my gut easy to digest foods that are full of nutrients (soups, greens, veggies, fruits). The longer the gut takes to digest foods, the more inflammation occurs resulting in the body’s energy spent digesting. This affects our immune system response. A plant based diet (meat/dairy free) can offer reduced inflammation and increased immunity. Since the end of April I have maintained a Vegan diet. Through research, I realized the protein the animals (pig, chicken, cow) received were from plants! It took a little bit of research, guidance, and a different way of grocery shopping - but my body is responding SO WELL, I am getting rid of more waste in my intestines/colon, my inflammation has decreased exponentially, and my energy level is back!
OILS: Lime and Myrrh are great for your Lymphatic System, which doesn’t flush on its own! The best way we can help our lymph move is exercise or dry brushing. I dry brush these two oils on after waking up (I keep in the bathroom) from the bottom of my chin down to my heart and armpits down to my heart. I also place a few drops of Myrrh over my thyroid for it is a WONDERFUL thyroid balancer and helps our cells multiply in a healthy way! I also pour on the Frankincense! Yup, pour. I literally lay on my bed before I get dressed and drip several drops onto my chest and rub onto thyroid and chest area. Click here to watch a 43 second video - then do you own research on this Frankincense and cancer. (I also use my regular oils like Endoflex and several others).
After breakfast I take Master Formula, a Vitamin C, and Thyromin. At first I thought Master Formula was pricey, but then I realized it includes all the fat soluble vitamins (A, C, E, K, D3, and blend of B vitamins) my body needs in a day PLUS the minerals to uptake the vitamins PLUS gut flora-supporting probiotics, turmeric oil, and other healthy gut essential oils. If I were to buy each Vitamin and Mineral and Essential Oil it includes, it would be three times the cost of Master Formula! It’s a SMART and very helpful supplement. Master Formula includes Vitamin C but I include an extra dose to help my body naturally scavenge up free radicals (which are toxins that can turn into tumors). Because my thyroid seems to be over active, I take my Thyromin Supplement in the morning to help my adrenals calm down. It works EXTREMLY well and I don’t feel anxious, sweaty, shaky, and have headaches through the day. With these thee supplements alone, my energy levels are maintained through the day! ((For those suffering from a sluggish thyroid, simply follow the instructions on the label to take 1 capsule before bedtime))
OILS: I pour on the frank again! I have a night time routine that includes Progessence Plus (for my hormones), tea tree for my face, and whatever other oil I feel necessary for sleep. Thieves is typically diffusing in every diffuser in my home.
SUPPLEMENTS: ImmuPro is newer to me, I take one at night. It’s a natural immune booster and also contains Melatonin. Ingredients also include Wolfberry, Reishi Mushrooms plus chelated zinc, copper and selenium (chelated because research shows they are easily absorbed into the body). These minerals are SO IMPORTANT for the thyroid! Reishi Mushrooms and Wolfberry are HUGE antioxidants, eating up all the oxidated stress in my body (oxidated stress is basically like rust on a car, or in our bodies bad cells that turn into cancer!). I add in two Vitamin C for an extra boost of immune support and to clean up free radicals from my day.
If you feel like your body is saying something, it probably is. Being tired around noon, that’s your body talking. Having pains and aches, that’s your body whispering, “hey, something isn’t quite right”. If you aren’t sure what supplement or oil is right for your situation, reach out. I’ll help you do the detective work!