"Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are." - Rachel Naomi Remen
Hey! You did it! You completed the four week E-Course! I would enjoy hearing your experience. It would also help me know areas of the course I can improve, condense, or add clarity to. Here’s a quick survey to fill out (thanks in advance!).
I want to leave you with a few thoughts:
Releasing what no longer serves you in a appositive or progressive way, finding true rest for your busy mind/body/feelings/spirit, and reconnect with who you were created to be…it will NEVER look perfect. Reseting your nervous system doesn’t look like simply pressing a button. It looks like making small changes, small habits, finding which works for you, and implementing them daily. It’s a progression, a learning.
Learn to give yourself LOTS of grace.
There will be times you move through 3R with ease and self soothe like a champ. Other times, it will feel like muddy waters. This is normal.
The goal is to continue to use these tools to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your wounds, where healing needs to take place, to allow rest before exhaustion, and a continuous journey towards self love/growth/awareness. It’s a balancing act. It’s not about perfection. It’s an eb and flow.
Normalize your emotions. You are human & emotions are normal.
Normalize rest. You are human & need stillness to heal.
Normalize self care/love/connecting with your creator. You are human & need to recharge.
I believe in you 1,000%. I also believe if you continue to do this work, within the eb & flow of your life, you will continue to make self discoveries that lead to more and more healing.
Do not compare your past self to the future self you’re longing for. Trauma changes you. Stress changes you. You will never be able to go back and change “the thing that happened”. You are different now, and that’s okay. Embrace who you are now & practice moving forward INTO a space where you care for your wound, soothe it, comfort it, and allow rest + recovery for its healing. Focus on what you can control.
Grounding recharges the energy we put out on a daily basis. It’s all about adding electrons back into the body. This is why it’s wise to continue to stand barefoot outside, touch or hug a tree, sit near moving water, take deep breathes, pet/hug animals, and pray/cry out to your Creator (the one who knows you best!). Those are all recharging stations for your body, mind, spirit, emotions. There are so many toxins that steal your battery life…stay aware of what your body is telling you. REST & Recharge often.
Yes, the world is full of toxicity, negativity, distraction, pain and struggle….HOWEVER, it is also FULL of OVERCOMING IT.
You have access to course content until January 23rd. Screen shot, take notes, save whatever you may need moving forward. You invested in this content, take it with you for your personal use.
The home page’s log in has changed in preparation for the next group of women participating in the E-Course. Please use the quick links below to access content for week 1-4. You will forever have my E-Course support phone number. Use it when you need encouragement, a positive reminder, support, or to process anything that feels too difficult to do on your own. I am here for you, even past our end date. THANK YOU for trusting me to guide you through four weeks of content that can be so challenging yet life changing. I believe in you. YOU are capable. YOU are doing the work, and you ARE healing.
Stand tall. Allow the new roots to grow deep. Water them. Nourish them. Stretch them. Allow each season to cast its beauty upon you as you sway to and fro with the wind, dancing in the sunlight, while embracing it all as a apart of your new rhythm & growth.