“What we change inwardly will change outer reality.” – Plutarch
Welcome to week 1!!! This week is all about releasing the yuck and understanding what that yuck is, how its been affecting your behavior, thoughts, and your physical body. We tend to forget how stress negatively affects the physical body, however, numerous studies show that stress promotes illness and disease within the body! “Emotional stress is a major contributing factor to the six leading causes of death in the United States, cancer being one.” (check out the study here) Our emotional stress, and even our thought processes/mindset, can most definitely be as toxic as bleach to our body. I’m not sharing this information to guilt or shame anyone, because I’m in the thick of life with you! I’m sharing because awareness is key and I KNOW and TRUST we can overcome the heaviness blocking us from truth.
DID YOU KNOW: specific body systems/organs are affected by specific emotions? It’s true. The book “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” can bring more clarity to this. For example, a few years ago two very large nodules showed up on my thyroid gland. The biopsy found one nodule to be “abnormal”. Oh man, did I feel MANY emotions during this time. After prayer, I was reminded of my training and education in emotional trauma. I mean, sorta a duh moment for me but hey, when we are in panic mode we tend to think muddied thoughts! I began looking into unprocessed emotions that store in, & weaken, the thyroid gland. What I found hit hard and made so much sense. I began working through the same 5 step process you’re about to work through. With diet change, emotional release, mindset shift, and God’s healing power…the nodules disappeared completely within 6 months. The doctor declared it a “miracle” since he “had never seen nodules go away completely on their own”. Friends, do you believe healing is for you? At that time, I believed it for everyone but myself and God taught me a valuable lesson about who He is and my lack of belief.
If you have a specific auto immune, chronic pain, weakened body system, or weakened organ/gland that is affecting your overall health and you wish to dig into the negative emotions that may be contributing to the pain… please please please text me after listening to Audio 1 & BEFORE you begin the 5 step process. I can text you the emotions listed for your specific ailment. This will be a huge piece to your healing puzzle, especially when you begin to dig into Step 1 of the release process.
With that said, to kick off week 1, listen to audio #1 first. It will help shape your understanding of emotions, what they are, their role in your life, and how they affect your body/mind/spirit when left unprocessed.
Audio #2 contains my five step release process. Like I state in both audios, do not rush through the process. Releasing toxic emotions and thought patterns is hard work, but good work. It takes time and intention. It truly is best to slow down and work through this week at a speed that feels right to you.
In Audio #2 I suggest choosing a specific situation that has negative emotions needing processed. Know that your “specific situation” is personal to you and can look many different ways. The goal is to choose an area you have capacity to dig into. Here are some common examples:
areas you feel blocked like creativity, weight loss, self confidence
a traumatic experience or relationship
hurtful words or actions
a loss (something you didn’t receive or of a person)
the list goes on and on
or, as stated above, a physical illness/autoimmune/injury
I mention a handful of links throughout audio 1 & 2, which are listed below.
Your thoughts and feelings influence your behaviors, choices, and ultimately, outcomes.
As you are working through this week, release may look like: deep thoughts, feeling tired, feeling feelings/emotional/extra sensitive, crying, grieving, feeling sick, going to the bathroom more often, laughing/yawning/coughing. Release truly can look many ways! There is NO right or wrong, every BODY is different. So, let’s dig in! And remember, if it feels hard that’s because it is. You aren’t alone, and you’re not crazy. You are strong, capable, and DOING it. I am so proud of you for showing up to do this work!
Attachment styles in audio #1, learn more here! (not extremely important to dig into ASAP, but info you can dig more into when you’re ready.)
Scripture mentioned in audio 1:
John 11:35: “Jesus wept.”
Luke 19:41: “As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it”
Hebrews 5:7: “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death…”
Here’s the list of emotions, their definitions, & the partnered opposite positive emotion/affirmations.
As you are working your way through week one, stay mindful about how much you are moving your body. Emotions are meant to have motion and not stay stuck within the body. Stretching, breath work, walking, jogging, sauna, yoga, or any type of intentional body movement would be a good idea at least twice this week. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we need to move the body for our emotional/mental health until we do it, and then we feel such a release/relief after! It truly releases happy endorphins our body’s chemistry needs.
Another simple and healthy tip that will help your body process the yuck is staying hydrated! Detoxing from negative emotions / thoughts is totally a thing! Drinking plenty of water (half hour body weight recommended) helps flush out toxic residue.
Holistic remedies for calming the mind and heart:
I am a huge huge HUGE fan (did I mention huge??) of aromatherapy! If you have Lavender, Frankincense, Sandalwood, or Rose on hand USE IT. These therapeutic grade essential oils help regulate the body’s chemistry and bring oxygen to the brain. Often times when releasing emotions (or simply just thinking about them) the body’s stress hormone (cortisol) might release in excess amounts. This tends to feel like fight or flight. Pure essential oils can gently help the body come out of a stress response. If you catch your nervous system going there, be sure to mention it when we chat on Wednesday. I can link you to my favorite most trusted brands.
Rescue Remedy: This comes in liquid form or tablets/gummy. It is a “Bach Flower” which is similar to an essential oil. Bach Flower remedies are specifically for emotional blocks and Rescue Remedy comes in handy when digging into trauma or other hard situations.
Be sure to jot down anything you think, feel, or wish to chat about on Wednesday. I am truly looking forward to helping you through release week! Know that I am thinking of you and praying for you often.