Anger Affects the Health of Your Liver

Anger Affects the Health of Your Liver

Feelings are causes… & conditions are their effects. That’s hard to accept as truth, isn’t it? It leaves us with questions like, “could my emotions be what’s causing / contributing to the conditions (health, emotional, physical, spiritual) in my life?” Feelings create thoughts and thoughts create patterns. Our patterns create routines which most definitely CAN be unhealthy. If we wish to change our lives in a different more positive way, it is so necessary to first change our feelings - which changes our thoughts & patterns!

Where do you begin to make that shift?

Listen to what comes out of your mouth. What words do you choose to use?

Listen to your self-talk, which allows you to discover a window to your thoughts.

By holding your thoughts captive, like a bandit on the loose, trace them back to the origin. What triggered the thought initially? The big question to ask here - WHAT was I feeling that triggered the thought in that first place?

Struggling to identify what your feeling or thinking? That’s normal. So many of us have been taught that our feelings are wrong or the way we think is bad. Your first challenge, then, is to get in touch with your internal & external dialogue. This will lead you down a passage of self discovery with the destination of healing. Jeremiah 30:17 - truth doesn’t come back empty.

Vitamin B-6 & Anxiety, Depression, & Irritability

Vitamin B-6 & Anxiety, Depression, & Irritability

Rubbing Your Ears Sends "Happy Feelings" into Your Body

Rubbing Your Ears Sends "Happy Feelings" into Your Body