We must not put limits on a suppernatural God. I may not be able to accomplish a lot in three days, but He can. If we hope and long for miracles then our God boxes need to completley crumble.
All tagged jesus
We must not put limits on a suppernatural God. I may not be able to accomplish a lot in three days, but He can. If we hope and long for miracles then our God boxes need to completley crumble.
As I read Mark 5:41 I related to and connected with the grieving parents. I have been grieving things that haven’t happened to me, like death! I have become so crippled by the what ifs and unknowns of my issue and spiraled out over “what will happen if I die”.
With every word I type the enemy shrieks. Every thought I take and turn into a sentence is a strong shield blocking satans annoying firey darts. Every story I tell about Jesus’ endless glory, love, and power in my life sends satan and his minions shivering and running. The sound of letters being typed on my keyboard resulting in the sound of you turning each page or the pressure it takes for your finger to scroll — friends, it’s the sound of a warfare weapon being used.