My Exodus

My Exodus


We are reminded often by cute memes and decorated signs that “God’s got this”. What does that look like though when we are in the middle of a storm? What does that feel like?

Previously, I shared the healing, peace, and love I encountered in Jesus’s waiting room - the room he prepared for me so I could experience His supernatural ways. My pastor asked me what God had been teaching me from the time of my biopsy to when I received the results. I had no idea how to put something so supernatural into words! I prayed, “God, help me out here because I have no words for this”. The next morning I woke up around 4:30am with this vision in my mind - the Red Sea being parted, walls of angry water being held back, and dry ground lending a path to freedom.

“You split the sea so I could walk right through it. My fears are drowned in perfect love. You rescued me so I could stand here and say, “I AM A CHILD OF GOD”!

That song in itself explains everything (listen here). Once I came to terms that something was wrong and I needed to see a doctor, the waters began to part. A dry path began to be shown. But dang… that wall of water looked frightening! As I began to cling closer and closer to Him through the entire process - the appointments, the waiting, the unknown, the biopsy, the waiting, more waiting, more waiting - the giant water walls didn’t look so bad. In fact, I began to toe the dry ground. I had prayed for his healing, protection, safety, and supernatural ways - so why would I NOT trust this path? Jesus was saying, “COME TO ME”. He was holding back my fear, worry, anxiety, stress while providing supernatural safety (a term my pastor shared).


An Exodus from MYSELF. A moment to step out in faith after praying big things. An opportunity to watch him do the impossible. A path created outside of my control. Without it, I would have been treading water while in panic gripping survival mode and with it I received comfort as I reached the “other side of myself”, leaving my fear/worry/anxiety behind and watching it drown as the waters crashed back down.

He held the waters back long before I trusted that the dry ground was safe. His power is not dependent on my trust, however my faith in who He is allows me to experience the fullness of His goodness and miraculous doings. Which is what He’s taught me within the time period I mentioned…

God isn’t short of supernatural power. He isn’t short of miracles. We have to make a choice - even when it doesn’t make sense - will we step out in faith, move forward, walk on dry ground even if it looks impossible, scary, and uncertain? When we pray big things, and even when we don’t, will we be willing to exit out of our self and what makes sense to experience the fullness of freedom He has waiting? He will go through great lengths to get our attention - even if that looks like welling up the waters of our inner chaos and providing a path that doesn’t lead us around the circumstance - but instead, straight through the middle of it.

The Waiting Room.

The Waiting Room.