Hey Young Living friends!



As a Health Coach (me) & Personal Trainer (Tony), we see a BIG issue in our industry. Women (and men) want to lose weight, tone up, & feel good about their self but don’t know where to start, what body movement /nutrition would be best for their body type, how to increase motivation + results, or know how to reduce the negative self talk & replace with thoughts & feelings of self acceptance + love.

“How do I get/stay motivated?” “What kind of workouts should I be doing for my body type?” “What should my diet look like?” “How do I learn to love my body where it’s at right now?”

Sound familiar? We’d like to help you find answers.

We know that what we offer in our professional lives would benefit our Young Living team, which is YOU. We understand you may not be local, enjoy group fitness, or be able to visit the gym Tony coaches at or my office…which is why we’re bringing a piece of what we do online to you! Here’s the scoop…

As a member in our Young Living team we want you to know what resources are available to you:

  • 4 free class passes to Tony’s online workouts

    • How do I claim my 4 free class passes?

      • Text the key word WORKOUT to 260-799-1190 & we’ll send you the ZOOM link information

      • Workouts are LIVE via Zoom every Tuesday & Thursday 5:45am. First class is Tuesday 4/19!! Classes will not be recorded.

      • No equipment needed! Bring yourself to the online workout class & that’s it. If a prop is needed, for example a chair, you will be notified prior to class.

      • ALL levels are welcomed! If you are an advid workout junky or just getting started, this is for you. If you cannot get on the ground or perform a certain motion without pain, a modification will be given.

      • Use your 4 free class passes whenever you wish, we will keep track for you!

      • Tony will be available 15 mins before & after each workout to answer any specific questions in regards to movements, stretches, supplements, nutrition.

      • Before the beginning of each month, Tony will announce his “YL Product of the Month”. For example, Lemon. Tony will give product usage tips during the workout and encourage daily incorporation to support overall health. Use his oil of the month all month long with him & during the workouts!

  • What happens after I use my 4 free class passes?

    • As a part of our YL team, you’ll receive discounted workout sessions (less than what the general public invests).

      • $7 a workout after your 4 pass is finished

      • the discounted fee is per household, invite your family to workout with you!

  • What if I want a curated Nutrition plan or 1 on 1 personal coaching?

    • Tony would be happy to coach you & create a curated plan that fits your specific needs/goals! Receive 25% off his coaching fee by being in our YL team.

    • Missy’s Health Coaching services are also offered to you at a 25% discount.


  • Easy to understand product education in our “The Crunchy Bunch” FB community group

  • Numerous resources, events, & classes to learn more about YL and your body. *some events may have a very small fee to cover venue.

  • Weekly “Wellness Tip” texts

  • Access to Missy via Wellness Tip text line to ask YL related questions

  • Brand Partner training (how to share YL and earn income)

  • A community of like minded individuals that enjoys learning, growing, & having fun together!

Young Living is soooo great, but it’s even better when you can successfully use it within your daily routine. Young Living is just ONE puzzle piece to the wellness puzzle. Other pieces look like hydration, moving your body, sleep, diet…and so much more. Our hope is to make it easy for you to move your body, know your body, listen to your body, & love your body while using your YL products AND beginning new routines that create wellness & abundance in your life.