E S S E N T I A L   O I L S


You are about to make one of the best decisions for your health.

Who should use essential oils?

E V E R Y   H U M A N   B E I N G   S H O U L D   U S E  

E S S E N T I A L  O I L S.

How do essential oils work?


Scientifically,the molecules of essential oils are so tiny! This means our skin can absorb the oils quickly and begin to use the essential oil and it's benefits quite fast! Interesting enough, our body (cells, organs, dna) can translate, respond and use essential oils to support body systems. Within twenty minutes, the thousands of molecules from the essential oil will consume every single cell in the body.


We enjoy using our oils in 3 different ways:


Apply essential oil onto the area of discomfort. If you have sensitive skin or are using oils near areas with thin skin, use a carrier oil (coconut oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, Young Living's V6 oil)


Simply inhale the oil straight from the bottle or diffuse


Young Living has an entire Vitality Line of essential oils safe for consuming. Flavor your food or beverage or take a few drops of eo in a vegetable capsule for a preventative.

What's the BEST way to get started?

However you want with whatever you want! Begin your Young Living customer account with one item, two, or an entire kit. Many love the value and quantity of product that comes with the Premium Starter Kit, so I’ll list that info below. Just know, you can start with what you NEED & WANT. Which every way you begin - you have the opportunity to enjoy a life long discount of 24% off all YL’s products & choose optional subscription programs if you wish.

The Essential Oil Starter Kit is $165 and offers close to $400 worth of product.

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Thieves, Lavender, Citrus Fresh, Raven, Stress Away, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, Digize, Peace & Calming, Valor, Panaway

Click here to read what each oil can be used for.


What a gift to receive a sample packet of this plant base cleaner! It is great for the environment, safe for pets, children and YOU! Cleaning your home doesn't have to mean filling the air with toxins. You can literally clean your kitchen, bathroom (tub/toilet), floors and just about anything else. ONE cleaner for everything.


Ningxia Red is our superfood, but in a drink form. It is a nutritional supplement that can literally support every system in your body. Ningxia has hardly any sugars, no dyes, no preservatives...it truly is full of health. Read more at


We love using this! I have one in my car, in may kid’s backpack, my purse and gym bag. It does not contain any yucky junk that dries our your hands. It truly does moisturize! No fake fragrance either. It has the power of Thieves along with the freshness of Peppermint Essential oil.


Ditch the toxic air freshners and diffuse oils instead. Not only will the air qaulity in your home change for the better, but your body will benefit as well! Diffuse in the morning, all day long and at bed time to promote a good night's sleep. Mix and match scents and enjoy the vast benefits of diffusing essential oils. Every guest in your home will compliment your home's scent!


With your kit, or any purchase for that matter, you begin receiving learning tools straight from The Crunchy Bunch. We have a private page that is exclusive only to your tribe. We help you as much or as little as you would like and you'll always have someone to answer questions. You're going to seriously love the 24% life time discount that comes along with your customer account. This is such a treat. You can log in to your YL account at anytime, purchase any plant based products @ 24% off and begin to make those simple yet powerful changes to living a healthier chemical free lifestyle.

Ready to begin this journey? Click here and walk through the steps to begin.