Do you feel as if a block is keeping you from moving forward? Is your nervous system triggered, tapped out, and out of control? Do emotions bubble up within you only to be swallowed down again? Is your mind in a constant state of multitasking? Is your body showing physical signs of stress? What is the health of your spirit, has the last few years created a deeper heaviness within?
If you’re answering “YEP” then you’re just like me. As a mom, step mom, business owner, wife, and human being, my life tends to be a tad bit chaotic. My past trauma tries to creep in and my nervous system pays the price. I was over being constantly triggered and needed a way out. My mindset was so negative and my body was reacting through inflammation and auto immune symptoms. After months of prayer asking for answers, God showed me a path towards a much needed release while guiding me into establishing better boundaries for myself so true rest could rest on me, and in me. You want to know what took place after practicing release and rest? I had a incredible reconnect with my self and Him!!! AND NOW I want the same for YOU!
And this is how my 3R E-course was birthed. From my own “rising out of the ashes” story. Here’s a break down of what you can expect during the 4 week E-Course:
Week 1 - Release: Find the words to establish what is blocking your forward movement. Learn how to let go of negative emotions, thought patterns, and behaviors that are not serving you.
Week 2 & 3- Rest: Learn how to regulate your nervous system, set proper boundaries, & how to rest without guilt: soothe, console, be, re-define, embrace, find joy, ground, embody peace.
Week 4- Reconnect: Learn how to re-align the body, mind, soul. Reconnect to your gifts, your passions, and your wholeness (who you are now and who you’re becoming) while learning how to embody the positive energy that is yours for the keeping.
4 Week E- Course:
Weekly Content & Growth Challenges (about 1 hour of weekly intention)
Weekly Audio Clip (think of it as listening to a podcast!)
Weekly Check Ins (1 on 1 interaction via text with yours truly)
Weekly texts linking you to that week’s content
Go your own pace if needed
Content available for 30 days after the November 5th end date
Goal & Purpose of E-Course:
release the heavy (the junk blocking your mind/emotions)
rest & regulate your nervous system, learn how to self soothe
reconnect with your inner child, your confidence, your passions, and joy by reconnecting the body, mind, and spirit
truth statements from scripture
positive affirmations
holistic techniques to release, self soothe, shift mindset
opportunity to chat one on one once a week for four weeks
The Framework:
Week 1: Release
Week 2: Rest
Week 3: Rest
Week 4: Reconnect
Your body is capable of more healing than this world has ever permitted you to believe. And not just your body, but your mind, emotions, and spirit, too. Join me for this 4 week E-Course to learn how to release, rest, and reconnect in a world that honors busy and tends to keep us in a state of deregulation.
Questions? Email