The short story...

We had no idea what we were doing. We just wanted to be healthy and we had no idea how that actually looked.

We decided it was up to us to take control over our health. If we wanted to be healthy WE had to make the changes. I was *so* overwhelmed with all the "healthy options" out there. I asked myself questions like..."is this better for my child or is this product better". I had no idea what to trust! Little by little I began to research my questions. Those baby steps had many bumps and huge pot holes...but during those 5 years I learned about clean living and which products are truly pure....and which one's aren't.

 During that journey we were introduced to essential oils. Months after the introduction we said very skeptical "yes" and purchased a Young Living Starter Kit.  I figured we were probably wasting our money on the latest fad. I literally thought it was all a gimmick. In fact I was sure of it.

I was so seriously wrong. Little by little we started to see our 4 children, and even ourselves, benefit from Young Living's oils and supplements.  We couldn't help but to share our testimonies with our family and friends. For the first time in years it FINALLY felt like we found the key to an entire lifestyle based upon wellness, purpose and abundance. I take that back....we DID find the key that led us to the answers we had been looking for.

These past 4.5 years of benefiting from Young Living's plant based products has been an incredible journey! We have reached so many of our health goals that use to seem far fetched! Little by little we ditched the chemical laden products we were using and replaced them with plant based options safe for our family.  We also have retired my husband from his 9 to 5 job and have started to travel the world as a family like we have always dreamt of doing. Wow! I still can't believe I am saying that!

Because we said that skeptical "yes" years ago, not only have we met so many of our health goals, but we have also become passionate educators empowering others to take a stand and say no to the chemical yuck our society says is okay to put into our bodies. There is another option! You were not created to feel unwell. You were created to thrive and have a life full of wellness, purpose and abundance and I want to help you grab a hold of that and make it yours!

Praise our Father in heaven for this amazing opportunity to get to know YOU by this sweet little home on the world wide web, which we call "The Crunchy Bunch".  Welcome to our little slice of crunchy. :)