{essential rewards program} 

It took me a few months to catch on and feel like YL’s rewards program wasn’t a scam. After the first month I realized it wasn’t and it was basically a way for me to purchase my essentials and be rewarded for it.

So get this, when you decided to jump in and purchase your starter kit, Young Living allows you to check that box “essential rewards” right from the get go. TIP: this gives you 10% back off of your order. Cool, huh? Each month you get to customize what comes in your box based upon your lifestyle goals. There is a min purchase of 50pv (= to $50) each month. Essential Rewards is complelty option when you purchase your starter kit. You are not penalized in any way by not checking the box. You can join the program at any time during and you can cancel it at anytime. It pretty much exists to make it easier for us to live a cleaner lifestyle. Here’s why. I took the $50 I was spending at the grocery store on toothpaste, shampoo, cleaners, make up, supplements and spent it through my Essential Rewards program. Why? The products I was using at the grocery store were full of harsh chemicals and the store did not give me cash back. Plus, HUGE BONUS, YL’s products were the SAME product I was spending that $50 bucks on at the grocery store, however YL’s products are completely plant based, harsh chemical free and are extrely concentrated therefore something like the household cleaner lasts me about 4 months (not kidding, and I have 4 kids, a dog, husband and myself!). My dollar is extended, my family stays healthier and our lifestyle goals become accomplished.