Emotional Release Sessions:
Please arrive to your appointment on time and allow yourself 5 minutes to get situated on the massage table. Turn off cell phone or put on silent prior to start time. Come with an open mind and heart. Essential Oils help administer emotional release through using scent and applying topically, however, the full release process is between you and God. Some people are a bit anxious prior to the session and that is okay! Take deep breathes and remind yourself that you can do this!
During the emotional release you will be laying on the massage table on your back. You may use a blanket to cover you if you wish. Your feet will need to be exposed and shoulders. Many women wear a tank top, which works great. Missy sits at your head and Tony your feet. Metal, belts and all jewelry will need to be taken off prior to the start of the session to ensure that the energies of the body will balance correctly.
We suggest bringing the Feelings Kit and all of your oils! May sound crazy, but you just never know which one you will need during the release process. Some just bring it all in a laundry basket. We will organize them on a table before your session so we have easy access during the release.
Once we sense an oil needs to be used, we will have you apply where needed and repeat a positive affirmation. This process takes about 1hr. Our body is like an onion, we have many many layers. The oils and release process will help guide us through reducing some of those layers to expose unwanted emotions. During the session you make talk as little or as much as you’d like. We are there to listen and help guide you. Everything remains confidential.
Address: 3319 West Old Lake Road Columbia City Indiana 46725
Our raindrop studio is the tan building next to our home (house is white). We live at the lake on a gravel drive. Once the pavement of old lake road ends do not veer left, keep going straight onto the gravel drive. I am the first White House on the right once you are on the gravel drive. Park in front of the tan building, it has the 3319 near the door.
When on 700 North, sometimes mapquest will take you down a private drive that does not have the “Old Lake” road sign. The next paved road on the same side is Old Lake Road and it has a road sign. Be sure to turn on the paved road that has the Old Lake sign.
Phone Number: 260 503 8477
Cost: We do not ask for a fee, but some like to leave a love donation.
What to eat and drink day of session:
It is best to have a snack or light meal prior to session so you do not become light headed or hungry during. Drink plenty of water prior to session.
After our session:
It is best if one does not shower right away after the session. A hot bath can be beneficial.
The oils stimulate the body for up to 1 week after the session. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body during that time. If you need rest, then rest. Feel all the emotions, allow yourself to sort through it all. Give yourself time. About 7 days after the session we will chat via online to go over anything else you released after the session. Everyone is different so please know that your experience will be unique to you.
After our session together eat a light healthy meal. It is important to drink plenty of water after the session. This will aid in flushing out any toxins. Avoid soda, coffee and alcohol after session.
The body will release what you are willing to release. Detox may occur, which is a good thing! Better out than in. You may feel super energized or maybe even down a bit. We will be there as needed to guide you through the process.
If you have questions, just let us know.